Humans are an interesting species, especially my bosses Koos and Daphne who took me for a ride in their campervan as soon as I could I leave the nest (2013). I’ve travelled all over Europe with them since. I don’t really appreciate the driving part of it.
So I’m mostly sleeping on a comfortable lap to get it over with. But exploring new worlds is really my thing and I get very excited to wander around. New smells, funny beasts and I (almost) always find my way home to the truck.
I have my own chair, but so as soon as they get up I make sure that I’m ready to jump and steal theirs. Last year they put a tracker on my back; it’s not too heavy or inconvenient but now they always know where I am! Very disturbing! What about a little privacy?!

I can’t wait to go on the BIG TRIP! Until then I’m happy with every opportunity to leave the flat in Amsterdam and drive off for a weekend or a short holiday.